
Some Courses For YA!

All-NEW Community-Powered Courses!

The resources, community, and motivation you
need to grow your content creation community!

Master vital skills you need to become a content creator!

Accelerate Your Content Creator Growth

Instead University gives you the keys to accelerate your custom path to your Youtuber, Twitch Streamer, Podcaster, Content creator success through some really fun courses and workshops. We ready when you ready! #Letsgo

Access The Proven Stuff!

Don’t try to do it on your own. Even Mr. Beast had a community when he started. Let’s do what Mr. Beast did. Success leaves clues. 

Master Community Building!

With online community-based learning, you will learn faster with access to experts, mentors, and peers with courses and workshops specifically designed to upskill your professional skills in less time.

Achieve Your Goals

A professional community of like-minded entrepreneurs holds you accountable, keeps you engaged, and motivates you to persevere. Solutions are brought to life as members take on similar challenges and celebrate each other’s achievements.

Time To Serve Your Audience!

What’s trending now: Learning how to grow a supportive community, start a podcast, or create things that your community will love and more!

How To Build A Community

The best thing about being a content creator is that you get to build a community your way. You get to surround yourself with people you like and that like you! In this class we're going to teach you how to build a fun community full of amazing people who will support your creations!

Your First Follow/Sub/Donation

There is nothing like getting your first follow or your first sub or your first donation. Believe me when I say that you will always remember the first person from your community to support your work. Here's how to create a community that you can serve with your content and that will support you too!